2011. kindof a terrifying thought. kindof a happy thought. kindof a relieving thought.
and it's not just a thought anymore.
it's here.
wow. at last!
i learned so much about God, about myself, about a lot of things this past year. grew in new ways and saw God's faithful hand in my life every day. i still can't believe i made it this far. ha! only by His grace.
oh, that my back would grow stronger this year! that i would continue to lean on the only steadfast rock, and not on myself. that i would learn to apply my head knowledge. not just know things, but do them. that i would continue to love and serve others when it hurts, just like my Saviour did for me. that i would have a childlike spirit instead of a cold cynical one. that i would make much of Him and fear Him and love Him and find all my joy in Him and be content in Him alone.
(the song is from the band fort christmas discovered here)