i love weddings ever so much. especially when it's people i know and love that are getting married. weddings are such a beautiful example of Christ's love for us and His church, and it's usually an all-around good time including music, dancing, and cake ofcourseee. wedding photography is a favourite of mine because it captures all of these things in their glory. here are a few of my favourite shots from weddings...not in any order whatsoever.
the hype. of course. [oncewed]
the true love is my favourite. [carissa gallo's page]
the excitement and anticipation.
always a happy ending.
the friendship. [oncewed]
the decor!! [oncewed]
true. [oncewed]
the settings and environment. [oncewed]
lovely. [oncewed]
there's more i love about weddings. but i'd need a whole website. so.
aurevior, lauren
Yay Lauren! Keep blogging girl! I heart you and your photos.